We seek to love God, love others, and magnify the name of Jesus Christ. We are led by a talented team who minister to us by using the gifts that God has given them.
Rev. Ellynda Lipsey
Senior Pastor

Rev. Ellynda Lipsey was born in Pakistan as the daughter of Methodist missionaries. As a United Methodist Pastor, home is where she serves currently. Rev. Lipsey has served in rural, urban, and suburban contexts as well as on college campuses. She has served as a US-2 missionary in a Latin-American Church and Community Center in Long Beach, California and in Tishomingo, County, Mississippi as a Church and Community Worker, serving in two parishes and a total of nineteen churches (truly a Circuit Rider!) Rev. Lipsey is married to Hal Lipsey, who is retired from working in the International Division of the Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank. They love gardening, studying languages, traveling, reading and collecting antiques. Another mutual love is their pet bunnies, Francesco and Ciara, named after St. Francis and Saint Claire.

Pastor Ellynda loves to connect people to one another, their surrounding community,  and to the world parish. She enjoys serving alongside the laity at Jonesboro First UMC to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world and hopes to meet you soon!

Email: ellynda@jonesboroumc.com
Celia Stanley
Finance Specialist
Celia Stanley was born in Atlanta and lived most of her life in Clayton County and is a long-time member of Jonesboro First UMC, where she has sung in the Chancel Choir and taught children’s Sunday school for many years. She worked for Suntrust Banks, Inc. in the Trust Department and Investment Advisory subsidiary and retired in 2007.  She has  been the Office Specialist since January, 2012.
Email: office@jonesboroumc.com
Bethany Santos
        Minister of Children & Youth
Bethany is currently a student at Candler School of Theology at Emory University on my third year in the Masters of Divinity program. Originally from Texas, she is the child of a pastor, and has lived in Three Rivers, San Antonio, Beeville, and Mission, but always in Texas. She married the love of her life, Matthew Santos, in July 2023. Previous churches she has served at are Rotan UMC, Hamby UMC, Union Point/Siloam UMC.
Although, she will be returning to Texas at the end of her Emory studies, she is beyond excited to be a part of this church and learning from all the people here.
Email: childrenandyouth@jonesboroumc.com
Dr. Kurt-Alexander Zeller 
Director, Chancel Choir
Dr. Zeller began performing in opera, musical theater, and oratorio in his native Pacific Northwest at age eight. Since then, he has performed throughout the United States, Spain, and Austria, and has appeared on German television, including two seasons in the company of the Tony Award-wining Oregon Shakespeare Festival. Dr. Zeller is in demand as an oratorio soloist and recitalist and has appeared as a concert soloist for the Atlanta Baroque Orchestra, New Trinity Baroque, the Terra Nova Consort, and many other symphonies and concert series.
Dr. Zeller is Director of Opera and Vocal Studies at Clayton State University in Morrow, Georgia, and is active throughout the country as a vocal adjudicator and clinician. Dr. Zeller trained at the Meadows School of the Arts at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas, where he became the first undergraduate in that institution’s history to earn concurrent degrees in Theater and in Music. His graduate studies were at the College-Conservatory of Music of the University of Cincinnati, where he was awarded a MM in Voice Performance and a DMA in Voice Performance with cognate studies in Opera Directing and Musicology.
Dr. Zeller has held numerous church music positions as vocal soloist, choral conductor, and organist since beginning his church music career by substituting for the organists at First and Sunnyside United Methodist Churches in Portland, Oregon, at age 12. During his undergraduate years, he was tenor section leader of the Perkins Chapel Choir at the Perkins School of Theology of Southern Methodist University, under the direction of noted conductor and composer Lloyd Pfautsch. During his graduate studies, he was director of music at Mt. Auburn United Methodist Church in Cincinnati, Ohio.Before relocating to Georgia, Dr. Zeller was tenor soloist and assistant to the music director at First Congregational Church (United Church of Christ) in Portland, Oregon.
Jan Ingram
Jan joined the staff in July 2012. She says, “I have so much wonderful support; my family is behind me 100 percent. My husband Mike and I have three amazing kids together, and we would do anything for them. My oldest daughter Britnay is married and has a baby girl. Then, there is my son Kendall who became an Eagle Scout at the age of 14. Last and certainly not least is my youngest daughter Andrea. She is staying busy playing volleyball and basketball. I’m very proud of all of the supporters that I have. I don’t know what I would do without them. I’m glad that God gave me a chance to meet so many awesome people at a great job that makes me happy.”
Dawn Carter
Church Caterer
Wendy Powner