Click here to give online. Contributions can be debited automatically from your checking or savings account or processed using your credit or debit card. Electronic giving offers convenience for you and much-needed donation consistency for our congregation.
Checks: Your check can be made to JFUMC. Your gift will be used to meet budgeted needs unless you designate it for a specific ministry or purpose.

Wellroot Family Services
Murphy-Harpst Children’s Center
Good Shepherd Clinic
Calvary Refuge Center
Salvation Army “Angel Tree”
Wesley’s Table Feed all who come on Christmas.
Food Co-op program Monthly, we purchase food from the Atlanta Community Food Bank that is then shared with members of the community.
College Student ministry “Care Boxes” and cards are sent to students who are away at school.
Higher Education Scholarships Members of our congregation apply for scholarships to attend schools and institutions of higher education.
Pumpkin Patch and Festivals We offer seasonal activities on the front lawn to promote community interaction.
Rise Against Hunger We purchase and package 10,000+ meals to be sent to starving people around the world. This ministry is supported from funds raised during our annual Pumpkin Patch.