We will celebrate our 175th anniversary at 11 a.m. on June 27. Mark your calendars now to attend this special service in which we will give thanks for God’s faithfulness and steadfast love. Bishop Sue Haupert-Johnson will preach that morning, and there will be a number of other special guests.
We will have a fellowship luncheon after the service, featuring a boxed lunch and indoor and outdoor seating. Due to generous donations from individuals and Sunday School classes, we have been able to reduce the cost of the meal to $5 per person. Reservations/payment must be made by June 21 at the following link OR by mailing/bringing your check to the church office.
There will be a $20 price cap for families. Those who qualify for the $20 price cap should call the church office at (770) 478-6444 to make reservations.
Pork or BBQ chicken sandwich
Baked beans
Potato salad
We encourage you to share this invitation with former members who have moved so that they can return for this joyous day and make reservations for lunch. We have much to celebrate!